“I am now expanding into fresh creative areas - using words, music and movement to reach new audiences, and express ideas that matter in new and powerful ways. This builds on my journalism career to date. I know the power of words, but they can be given added lift-off and magic through the incorporation of humour, music and the power of the imagination.”
Follow Rachel into these new fields:
Radio plays - currently at work on second play
Professional storytelling - videos and recordings coming soon
Physical theatre/movement work
“Areas in which I can make a special difference because of the combination of my skills and experience include mental health, health inequality, nature and the environment, how music and the arts can boost health. I am also proud of my Anglo-Swiss heritage and am keen to use my fluent French and conversational German for creative purposes.”
Current creative projects
Preparation for premiere performance of story and music show, Bog Standard
Working on the second of two radio plays for the BBC
Storytelling project for the British Museum
Cellist with Bolton Symphony Orchestra, and experienced chamber musician
Regular contemporary dancer with KNT Danceworks
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